Oilseed hemp. Simply unique.

Discover the extraordinary world of hemp at FoodFarm! Packed with healthy oil and protein, hemp is a sustainable and environmentally friendly ingredient for a variety of products. Unlock the potential of this superfood and elevate your culinary creations with our versatile and delicious products.

At FoodFarm, we specialize in providing hemp products to the processing industry. We understand the unique needs of our customers and support their product development with our expertise and knowledge. We ensure the availability of pure, Nordic oilseed hemp and invest in a continuous process and product development. This ensures that our products, originating from Finland, meet the highest standards of purity and taste.

Environmentally friendly production

Oil hemp is a responsible and ecological choice for your well-being and the planet. While effectively binding carbon, oil hemp is produced completely without chemical plant protection. From field to table, we prioritize sustainability, ensuring that every step of the process is eco-conscious and responsible. Oil hemp does not have any intoxicating effects.

Food and health

At our company, we go the extra mile to boost the health benefits of oil hemp seeds through the process of sprouting. Sprouting activates the seeds, unlocking their full potential and enabling our bodies to utilize the nutrients more efficiently. As pioneers in the field, we take pride in being one of the first sprouted superfood producers in Northern Europe.

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At FoodFarm, we have been providing germination and small-scale malting services for

Oilseed Hemp Farmers Gather to Enhance Their Expertise at Trans Farm’s Seminar

Growing clean, nutrient-rich, and high-quality oilseed hemp requires skilled farmers who possess


FoodFarm’s Latest Product –
50% Hemp Protein Powder

FoodFarm has expanded its product range to include a new hemp protein


Nordic Nutrition Recommendations Increase Demand for Plant-Based Proteins

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FoodFarm’s Small-Scale Malting Services Offer Exceptional Opportunities for Standing Out

At FoodFarm, we have been providing germination and small-scale malting services for


Oilseed Hemp Farmers Gather to Enhance Their Expertise at Trans Farm’s Seminar

Growing clean, nutrient-rich, and high-quality oilseed hemp requires skilled farmers who possess

Contact us

Satu Pura


Chief of Commercial Operations

Sampo Hauta-aho

+358 50 555 7716

Export Manager



Tel +358 19 779 6214

Makrotie 1, 12100 Oitti, Finland

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    We only send samples to companies, not to consumers