Growing clean, nutrient-rich, and high-quality oilseed hemp requires skilled farmers who possess the specialized knowledge necessary for cultivating this unique crop. Our parent company, Trans Farm Oy, trains FoodFarm’s future hemp farmers through year-round training events.

The training seminar held in January is the company’s most popular event. These skill-building sessions have been held since the early 1990s, with approximately half of all contract farmers participating each year. This year, 350 farmers growing or interested in hemp and caraway attended the event. The program emphasized the application of research findings to the cultivation of specialty crops.

There is perhaps more demand than ever for hemp-focused training in Finland. As the largest hemp contracting company in Scandinavia, Trans Farm has rapidly expanded its cultivation area during the past years.

Profitable for Farmers, Sustainable for Consumers

Hemp is a profitable crop for farmers. With the increasing demand for high-quality plant proteins, hemp plays a crucial role in meeting this need. According to the Natural Resources Institute Finland, nearly half of the future added value in Finland’s food sector will stem from the development of plant-based products. Additionally, hemp offers better financial returns compared to many other specialty crops and grains. As cultivation practices continue to improve, higher yields can be achieved from the same quantity of seed.

From a consumer perspective, hemp stands out for its environmental benefits. It captures CO₂ from the atmosphere and stores it in the soil, all while requiring no chemical pesticides during cultivation. Additionally, hemp is known for its exceptional nutritional value, as it contains, for example, all 20 amino acids, including the 8 essential amino acids necessary for the human body.